
Phraw - v0.3

Download the latest stable version from one of these links, the package contains also two examples:

Requirements: Apache with mod_rewrite (optional), Smarty (if you want to use the default template engine).

Phraw - v0.4 release candidate (updated on 2012-01-11)

Download and test the bleeding edge version from one of these links:

Requirements: Apache with mod_rewrite (optional), Smarty (if you want to use the default template engine).

Source repository

Download the source code from GitHub or directly from the Git repository git://

$ git clone git:// phraw

Pre-packaged distributions

These distributions contains a basic web site ready to use with all the libraries included.

Start with the "vanilla" distribution if you want to try Phraw for the first time.

  • The vanilla distribution (Phraw + Smarty): tar.gz or zip.
    The best solution.
  • The lightspeed distribution (Phraw + RainTPL): tar.gz or zip.
    Fastest but simpler.
  • The lightweight ORM distribution (Phraw + Smarty + Idiorm + Paris): tar.gz or zip.
    The best solution with a lightweight database ORM.

Template compilation and caching are the default of the relative template engines, read their official documentation for change the behaviour. If your changes to templates are not displayed in the browser it means that caching or compilation is active, simply remove the files on "resources/cached" and "resources/compiled" directories.

For questions read the FAQs or ask on the forum.